China Leader Of Natural Stone, Quartz & Countertop
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Thin stone advantage in building applications

  With the continuous development and progress of society, we have become increasingly demanding the use of stone. From the simple arc plate cylinder to a variety of shapes, from the the ordi

The characteristics of marble

  Natural marble dense texture, hardness, easy processing, carved and polished, polishing. Marble polished smooth and delicate, natural and smooth texture, has a high decorative. Marble small

Stone industry Test Standard Two


Stone industry Test Standard--- Two 


prEN 12867-1997  


Stone Industry Test Standard One


Stone industry test standard One


NF B10-625-2003 


Sandstone Introduction

1. Sandstone Introduction
Sandstone (also known as sand rock) is a sedimentary rock named by sand constitute its main ingredient is SI20, Al20 in nature is the result of geological changes in the sea to the deposition and the land to the deposition, the original accumulation of a large number of sand layer terrain masked by geological changes in the process of heating and pressurizing is formed.



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