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Reasons to be Cautious about Granite Countertops


Granite Counters deliver gorgeous aesthetics ins and bathrooms and have other good qualities. However, there are some potential weaknesses to keep in mind as you considers for your home. Here are some reasons for you:

For all their beauty and durability, granite counters do have a few weaknesses. The most concerning problems can occur when thes are not sealed correctly or the sealant wears off without the counters being resealed. Granite is porous. This means that unsealed or poorly sealed counters can absorb wine, juice or oil, producing a stain that might be impossible to remove. A poorly-sealed countertop can also harbor bacteria in its pores.

Some treated granite can go 10 years without being sealed, but manys will need to be resealed on a yearly basis. When this is overlooked, it won’t take long for countertops to begin to show signs of staining.

While these counters are very durable, a heavy object dropped on a corner might crack or chip the granite. This isn’t common, but it can happen under the right circumstances. The final caution is that granite countertop prices are very high. Expect to pay more than $100 per square foot of countertop, and prices as high as $ 250 is not uncommon.

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