Many people choose a simple color scheme that echoes the overall colors of their home, and then use the mosaic bathroom tiles to create an abstract design. Other popular designs include geometric motifs or leaves, vines, and floral elements. Some people choose to take inspiration from famous Roman, Greek, and Minoan mosaics.
Mosaic bathroom tiles are simple to install. Although home improvement experience is helpful, it is not necessary. First, you will need to purchase a grout product. Choose a harmonious or contrasting grout color, keeping in mind the fact that grout changes color as it dries. Use a trowel to lay down small areas of grout, and lay tiles in small sections. Make sure that your mosaic tiles are even by checking them with a level frequently. Don't forget that you may correct the placement of mosaic tiles only for a short period of time before the grout dries.
Many people find that it is useful to create a pattern first using large-scale graph paper. Then, you will simply need to follow the pattern as you lay down the tiles. To finish your mosaic bathroom, wash away the grout that clings to the tiles, but make sure all the grout has set first. Depending on the type of mosaic tile you have selected, you may choose to apply a protective seal to your mosaic after it is completed.