Creates a natural, elegant look for your home when used as flooring material. Limestone floors are soft and pick up dirt and everyday grime more quickly than marble or hardwood floors. Maintain your limestone floor with routine care, reserving heavy-duty cleaning for serious spills and stains.
Instructions as follows:
Firstly, sweep your limestone floor on a regular basis, daily if possible. Sand, leaves and other dirt that may be tracked inside can scratch the floor and dull its shine when left on the surface for too long. Use a dry dusting mop system with microfiber cloths as an alternative to a broom.
Secondly, attend to wet spills to avoid penetration into the limestone and possible staining. Blot water and other liquids with absorbent paper towels. Remove sticky residue with a damp sponge and a few drops of dish detergent.
Thirdly, remove mud and other debris with a soft mop and a soapy mixture of warm water and dish detergent. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or solvents that are highly acidic as these solutions can harm the finish of the limestone tile.
Fourthly, clean mildew and plant-based stains such as algae with a weak bleach solution. Combine 1/4 cup bleach with a gallon of water and use the mixture to mop the limestone floor.