Kitchen granite edge types can range from a simple cut edge to a higher or multi-cut edge.Rounded edges,completely round, looks like a semicircle from the side of it.Demi-Bullnose edge of the circle and then fall into one from the edge of the flat a corner at the bottom.Pane edge in a lot of families are common, any kitchen decorate work well under the background of all these side linear motion you can choose a complete square edge, which have a cut and are more likely to have several cut in a side.You can also select a bevel cut, which also has the straight line, but there are two cut a vertical cutting edge cut along the surface inclined and another from the top of the countertop for this second cut before removing the a corner.The egdes tend to several different style these include a Ogee cutting edge, it is like a tilt the S curve double Ogee cut has two tilt the S curve.The edges looks like a tilt the S curve, but there is a small section of the party in the middle of it has a concave part, followed by a 90 degree of straight down, and a convex section, out of the line to complete the edge.A hastriple edge three circular cut the step to make edges of their work looks countertop a Roman Ogee cut started as a general Ogee cutting and the second curve into a Bullnose.